Azure sky, stretched out across infinity.
White thoughts, dotting the wide expanse.
Edges frayed, drifting aimlessly.
Shredded by the autumn wind.

Molten sunlight, golden on a nearby stream.
Lethargic in the lazy heat.
Drifting, insubstantial thoughts of things past.
Glinting, rippling, reflecting off the stippled surface.

Lying in this field of broken dreams,
dotted with the wilted blooms of wildflower promises,
I gaze upward at the things the mind can't forget,
and feel within, the pained heartbeat of the earth.

Shifting breezes start to toss about the clouds.
Darkening shadows deepen the horizon.
Nearby, slender trees bend in the quickening wind.
Grass bends and crests, like waves upon the sea.

A storm of change rips across the sky.
Thunderous clouds replace what was.
Lightening rips through the chiarascuro.
A change within, a change without.

And after, all is calm again.
Yet, nothing is the same.
Thoughts once reached for, grasped at are gone.
The past is blown away, and I am free.

: Deborah Sterchele


Anonymous said...

Nice thoughts